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f i l m   &   t e l e v i s i o n

TWENTYSOMETHING - Television Series - Comedy, Series 2 (2012 - 2013)  Co-director ABC 2/Highwire Films, Series Producer: Nicole Minchin, Co-director: Jess Harris


CITY HOMICIDE - Television Series - Drama, Series 4 (2010 - 2011) Producer's Assistant Network Seven, Series Producer: Richard Jasek

RSPCA ANIMAL RESCUE - Television Series - Factual, Series 4 (2009 - 2010) Field Producer Imagination Television/ Seven Network Series Producer: Ross Wilson

FOOTBALL SUPERSTAR - Television Series, Series 2 (2009) Associate Producer North One Television/Fox 8, Series Producer: Marty Benson

RSPCA ANIMAL RESCUE - Television Series - Factual, Series 3 (2008) Researcher/Coordinator Imagination Television/ Seven Network, Prod. Manager: Kelly Johanson

SAVED - Television Feature (2008) Production Secretary (Replacement) Saved Productions/Big & Little Films/SBS, Line Producer: Sonia Bednar, Prod. Coord: John Sandow

KNOWING - Feature Film (2008) Director's Assistant Summit/Escape Artists/Ezekiel Films, Director/Producer: Alex Proyas 

THE PACIFIC - Television Mini-Series - Drama (2007 - 2008) Producer's Assistant HBO/Dreamworks/Playtone, Co-Producer: Cherylanne Martin 

UNDERBELLY - Television Series - Drama (2007) Additional Assistant Director (Day Calls) Nine Network Aust/Screentime 1st AD: Andy Power, 2nd AD: Todd Embling

CANAL ROAD - Television Series - Drama (2007) Additional Assistant Director (Day Calls) Nine Network Aust/Canal Road 1, 1st AD: John Hartley, 2nd AD: Kara Masters

I AM YOU - Feature Film (2007) Additional Assistant Director (Day Calls) Liberty Films, Director: Simone North, 2nd AD: Rachel Bagley

RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER - Feature Film (2006)  Director's Assistant  20th Century Fox/Mounty Productions, Director: E.J Foerster (Action Unit)

CHARLOTTE’S WEB - Feature Film (2005)  Director's Assistant  Paramount Pictures, Director: E.J Foerster (2nd Unit)

ONE PERFECT DAY - Feature Film (2004) Director's Assistant  Lightstream Films, Director/Producer: Paul Currie

ONE PERFECT DAY - Feature Film (2004) Music Co-ordinator Lightstream Films/OPD Music, Music Supervisor: Anton Monsted

s h o r t   f i l m s

2010 - present

2010 - present

NO MORE SHAME (2012) Documtary Director/Producer/Writer The Reach Foundation/Fiesta Clan, Producer: Becka Mezzatesta, D.O.P: Harry Charnock


SHRAPNEL (2009) Narrative Drama Director/Producer/Writer Fiesta Clan, Producer: Jesse Martin, DOP: Josh Flavell


THE WINNER (2009) Narrative Drama Producer Fiesta Clan, Director: Dan Brophy, DOP: Stephan Duscio


DEAD & BURIED (2006) Narrative Drama Producer Exit Films Director: Ben Hodson, Producer: Hamish McDonald 

ONE MINUTE (2004) Narrative Drama Production Manager Jason Byrne Films, Director: Josh Whiteman, Producer: Jason Byrne

WHAT A GIRL WANTS (2004) Comedy Drama Production Manager  LITTLE DEATHS - Feature film compiled of various short films, Dir: Sian Davies, Producer: Jason Byrne

TOLLBOOTH (2005) Comedy Drama Production Assistant LITTLE DEATHS - Feature film compiled of various short films, Director: Sian Davies Prod: Jason Byrne 

GOOD VIBRATIONS (2004) Comedy Drama Production Assistant LITTLE DEATHS - Feature film compiled of various short films, Dir: Ben Chessel Prod: Nina Hutchinson 


m u s i c  v i d e o s

'MASTER PLAN' (2015) Man Made Mountains, Record Label: House of Beige Director/Producer Kin Keeper Films, DOP: Harry Charnock

‘DOWN WITH THE SHIP' (2013) The Groves, Record Label: Boxer Records Director/Producer Fiesta Clan, Co-Producer: Isabel Berlin & Glen Christie, DOP: Blackbox Films


‘HEART SONG' (2012) Kieran Christopherson, Record Label: Independent Director/Producer Fiesta Clan, Co-Producer: Glen Christie, DOP: Blackbox Films

'THE BEST OF TOMORROW’ (2011) Trial Kennedy, Record Label: Independent Director/Producer Fiesta Clan, Co-Producer: Glen Christie, DOP: Harry Charnock


‘JEZABELLE’ (2010) SiB, Record Label: Independent Director/Producer Fiesta Clan, DOP: Harry Charnock


d i g i t a l  c o n t e n t  

'FORD SYNC 3' ASIA PACIFIC Digital Content, (2016) Director, Production Company: Imagination/Newborn Productions, Client: Ford 

'COLES CURTIS CHRISTMAS' Digital Content (2016), Producer, Production Company: Flinders Lane, Agency: Big Red


'COLES PROJECT MARTIN' Digital Content (2016), Producer, Production Company: Flinders Lane, Agency: Big Red

'COLES CURTIS EASTER' Digital Content (2016) Producer, Production Company: Flinders Lane, Agency: Big Red

'WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS DAY' Social Video (2015) Director/Producer, Production Company: Kin Keeper Films, Client: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

COLES CURTIS CHRISTMAS' Digital Content (2015), Producer, Production Company: Flinders Lane, Agency: Big Red

'WORKSAFE - JUST ONE MORE THING MUM' Digital Content (2015), Producer, Production Company: Farmwalker Films, Agency: McCaan

'COLES ONLINE' Digital Content (2014), DirectorProduction Company: Flinders Lane, Agency: Big Red

'FORD ECOSPORT URBAN DISCOVERIES' 6 x 2 min Branded Content (2014), Director, Production Company: Imagination/Newborn Productions Client: Ford Australia


'FORD KUGA' Branded Content (2013), Production Manager/1st AD, Production Company: Imagination/Newborn Productions Client: Ford Australia


'REACH STORIES - About Reach'  - Jim Stynes Tribute Game Edit (2012), Director/Producer, Client: The Reach Foundation - Events & Fundraising

'REACH STORIES - About Reach' (2011),  Director/Producer, Client: The Reach Foundation - Marketing

'REACH STORIES - Corporate Partners' (2011),  Director/Producer, Client: The Reach Foundation - Marketing

'REACH STORIES - Working With Schools' (2011)  Director/Producer Client: The Reach Foundation - Marketing

c o m p a n i e s  

KIN KEEPER FILMS (2009 - present) Director/Producer/Founder

*formerly trading as Fiesta Clan

A bespoke production company specialising in the development and production of short films, music videos, digital content and web series.

LIGHTSTREAM PICTURES (2004 – 2008) Project Development Consultant

Consultation on various film projects ranging from concept development, script editing, pitch creation through to fundraising.


MARKSX FILMS (2005-2007) Researcher & Development Executive 

Research & evaluation of potential film projects for investment on behalf of company. Duties inc. script coverage, editing & development.


OPAL PICTURES (2004-2005) Researcher/Concept Writer/ Production Manager

SCREEN STARS TELEVISON SERIES CONCEPT & PITCH Director Paul Currie, Producers: Paul Currie, Charles Morton

c o m m e r c i a l s   &   s t i l l s   2 0 0 5  -  2 0 1 6


P r o d u c t i o n  M a n a g e r  / C o o r d i n a t o r / L o c a l  P r o d u c e r


'SWISS HAWKS' TVC (Swiss) Noisy Beast, Director: Steve Callen, Producer: Marlese Sloane

'ONE DIRECTION MERCHANDISE STILLS SHOOT' Global Merchandising Services, Producer: Roma Martynuik, Photographer: Simon Emmett 

'BUPA PET INSURANCE' PRE ROLL Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi

'CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS SOUTH AUSTRALIA' TVC (LUMO) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Campbell Smith, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi

'TRUE' TVC (Smooth FM/NOVA Entertainment) Flinders Lane Productions, Director: Ted Horton, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS' TVC (LUMO) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Campbell Smith, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'NEW GIRL COLGATE' TVC (Coles) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Chris Bardsley, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'BETTER IS HERE' TVC (Coles) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Matthew Chuang, Producer: Craig Irving, Vincent Zimbardi


'BACK TO SCHOOL' TVC (Target) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'ONE DIRECTION MERCHANDISE STILLS SHOOT' (Global Merchandising Services - UK) Photographer: Simon Emmett, Producer: Roma Martynuik


'JETSTAR IN FLIGHT MEALS' STILLS SHOOT (Jetstar) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Photographer: Jesper Nielson, Prod: Vincent Zimbardi


'JETSTAR NZ BRAND' TVC (Jetstar) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Ted Horton Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'JETSTAR LAUNCH' TVC (Jetstar) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Ted Horton Producer: Vincent Zimbardi


'RONDELLE' TVC (Target) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Director: Tony Rogers Producer: Jason Byrne, Vincent Zimbardi


'AMBASSADOR LAUNCH - GOK WAN' TVC (Target) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Dir: Craig Melville, Prod/s: David Curry, Vincent Zimbardi 


'COLES ONLINE RETENTION' STILLS SHOOT (Coles) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Photographer: Jesper Nielson, Prod: Vincent Zimbardi


'COLES NEW GIRL - SIMPLY LESS GLUTEN FREE' TVC (Coles) Flinders Lane Productions/Big Red, Dir: Chris Bardsley, Prod: Vincent Zimbardi


'BUSINESS CONFIDENCE' TVC (Vic Government) Port Production/Clemenger BBDO, Director: Murray Dowd, Producer: Ian Fowler

'INFRASTRUCTURE' TVC (Vic Government) Port Production/Clemenger BBDO, Director: Murray Dowd, Producer: Ian Fowler

'X FACTOR' TVC (Vanilla Coke) Cherub Pictures, Director: Luke Shanahan, Producer: Di Robertson

'CRINKLE CUT' TVC (Just Jeans) Port Production/Clemenger BBDO, Director: Tony Rogers, Producer: Jason Byrne

'LUXE JACKETS' TVC (Just Jeans) Port Production/Clemenger BBDO, Director: Tony Rogers, Producer: Jason Byrne


T a l e n t  C o o r d i n a t o r   /   C h i l d  W e l f a r e  S u p e r v i s o r


'DEVONDALE' TVC (Devondale)  Prodigy Films/DDB Director: Tim Bullock, Producer: Alice Grant, Production Manager: Kate Merrin, Talent Services: Talent Pay


'JASON 2013 CAMPAIGN' TVC (RACV) Plaza Films/Whybins,  Director: Paul Middleditch,  Producer: Peter Masterton, Talent Services: Talent Pay



S t r e e t  C a s t i n g   /   L o c a t i o n  M a n a g e r

'BULLA UNFAKEABLE' (Bulla) Finch/Publicis Mojo, Director: Alyssa McLelland, Producer: Kate Merrin

P r o d u c t i o n  A s s i s t a n t   /   R u n n e r

'INDUSTRY SUPER FUND' (ISF) Renegade Films ,Director: Edwin McGill, Producer: Tracy Proposch, Production Manager: Sam Kelly

'BUILT AROUND YOU' (Freedom Furniture) Playbig Film, Director: Ray Carlson, Producer: Bonnie Fay, Production Manager: Simone Adamson

'WEST END - RED RIBBON' (Crown Casino) Otto Empire, Director: Ben Saunders, Producer: Jo De Fina, Production Manager: Kate Merrin

'TASTEBUD STIMULOUS PACKAGE' (Latina Fresh) The Pound, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Fiona McGregor, Production Manager:Cinnamon Darvell

'SAFER STREETS' (Victorian Govt) Renegade Films, Director: Edwin McGill, Producer: Tracy Proposch, Production Manager: Sam Kelly

'A LEAGUE OF IT’S OWN' (AFL – 2009 Season) Revolver Films, Director: Steve Rogers, Producer: Georgina Wilson, Production Manager: E. Thompson


'FINDING A WAY BACK' (Youth Beyond Blue) Zealot Films, Director: Robbie Turner, Producer: Victoria Thorne, Production Manager: Pilar Tronzik

'I AM' (RMIT) Goodoil, Director: Michael Spiccia, Producer: Sam Long, Production Manager: Lucy Sparke

'RUNNING OF THE BULLS' (Pascalls – Fruit Allsorts) The Pound, Director: Richard Overall, Producer: Kat Latour, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'UNSHAVED PILOT' (Pascalls – Fruit Allsorts) The Pound, Director: Richard Overall, Producer: Kat Latour, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'CHANGING HEALTH' (Dept of Health Services) Renegade Films, Director: James Teh, Producer: Joe Connor, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'JESAULENKO' (Toyota - AFL Legendary Moments) The Pound, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Fiona McGregor, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'FOKACCIA' (Latina Fresh/General Mills) Ghost Pictures, Director: Lynn Maree Milburn, Producer: Sonia von Bibra, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'SINGLES' (Latina Fresh/General Mills) Ghost Pictures, Director: L.ynn Maree Milburn, Producer: Sonia von Bibra, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'TLC' (Latina Fresh/General Mills) Ghost Pictures, Director: Lynn Maree Milburn, Producer: Sonia von Bibra, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'GLOSSY CAT' (Dine/Masterfoods) Ghost Pictures, Director: Lynn Maree Milburn, Producer: Sonia von Bibra, Production Manager: Kate McTernan 

'CSA' (Alzheimer’s Australia) Bundy Agency, Director: Scott Bundy, Producer: Sonia von Bibra, Production Manager: Kate McTernan 

'SUPERANNUATION' (Aust ralian Government) Film Graphics, Director: John Gwyther,  Producer: Marge McInnes, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'TONY LOCKET' (Toyota AFL Memorable Moments) The Pound, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Fiona McGregor, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'MONSTER STOMP' (Mitre 10) Whizzbang Art/Grey TV, Director: Matt Kamen, Producer: Kate Hagar

'EASTER' (Mitre 10) Whizzbang Art/Grey TV, Director: Matt Kamen, Producer: Kate Hagar

'ALL THE HELP' (Mitre 10) Whizzbang Art/Grey TV, Director: Matt Kamen, Producer: Kate Hagar

'ALFRESCO MEALS' (McCain) The Pound, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Fiona McGregor, Production Manager: Kate McTernan

'GRAND PRIX 2006' (Melbourne Grand Prix) The Guild, Director: Jamie Doolan, Producer: Barry Hall, Production Manager: Kate Hagar


A r t   D e p a r t m e n t   A s s i s t a n t 

'CAR, HOME & CONTENTS INSURANCE' (APIA) Film Construction, Director: Matt Palmer, Producer: Jacqui Gilles, Production Designer: A. Kondos


V i d e o   S p l i t   O p e r a t o r

'REMEDY' (Ford Focus) The Pound, Director: Dogboy, Producer: Cinnamon Darvall 


E d i t i n g / D V D C r e a t i o n  f o r  C a s t i n g

'IN 2 CRICKET' TVC Cherub Pictures Producer: Pip Smart



c o m m u n i t y   w o r k

Event Commitee Jim Stynes Tribute Game (2011) The Reach Foundation/Melbourne Football Club


Senior Video Production Manager & Video Production Trainer (2011) The Reach Foundation


Program Designer & Lead Facilitatator Train the Trainer Program & Workshop (2009 - 2010) The Reach Foundation


Manual Writer Train the Trainer – Program Handbook (80 page instructional manual fro training program) (2009 - 2010) The Reach Foundation


Senior Training Consultant Program designer and trainer of the organization’s young up-and-coming facilitation team (2005 – 2008) The Reach Foundation


Research Consultant Research, evaluation and documentation of information & data collected over a decade of experience (2006-2011) The Reach Foundation


Senior Facilitator Design & facilitation of programs & workshops for national non-profit youth organization, co-founded by Jim Stynes (2001-2005) The Reach Foundation 


Facilitator in Training (1998-2001) The Reach Foundation


Volunteer Support staff (1996-1998) The Reach Foundation






o t h e r   p r o j e c t s

Project Designer & Manager  “ONE PERFECT DAY – NATIONAL SCHOOLS TOUR” (2004)

Reaching over 30,000 secondary students around Australia, and in conjunction with the “One Perfect Day” ATOM Study Guide, this national, philanthropic educational tour explored the youth related messages of the film through large-scale interactive workshops.

Production & Sailing Crew Member “JESSE MARTIN’S - THE JOURNEY OF KIJANA” (2001-2002)


A proposed 13 part around the world sailing adventure documentary series with solo sailer Jesse Martin. This project never reached it’s goal and eventually evolved into the documentary “5 LOST AT SEA” (2009) which explains the story and events of what eventually took place. Roles/duties included: Pitch & Concept development, Raising Finance, Researcher, Writer, Offline Editor, Additional Camera Operator, On camera Talent, Web Content Creation, General Production Duties

a c t i n g 

RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER – Feature Film (2006) Stunt Performer


RAW FM – Television Series (1997) Guest Role ‘Liz’


BANJO PATERSON’S THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER – Television Series (1995-1996) Semi-Regular Cast ‘Mi Lei'



e d u c a t i o n  &  t r a i n i n g

H i g h e r  E d u c a t i o n


BACHELOR OF ART - Media Arts (1996-1998) Deakin University. Majors: Film, Television, Photography. Minors: Literature, Psychology

F a c i l i t a t i o n




Screen Writing

ROBERT MCKEE’S STORY SEMINAR (2001 & 2003) Epiphany International ROBERT MCKEE


P e r f o r m a n c e

ACTING – FROM SCRIPT TO SCREEN (1992 – 1998) Elliot Currie Drama Studios PAUL CURRIE

ACTING 1 – THE INSTRUMENT (2003 – 2004) Peter Sardi’s School of Acting PETER SARDI
ACTING 2 – THE CHARACTER (2004 – 2005) Peter Sardi’s School of Acting PETER SARDI



r e f e r e n c e s

Available upon request



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